Friday, March 14, 2008

Sitar Hero from downwithdetroit

Hi Everyone! I'm proud to announce that I will now be featuring guest designs from Spreadshirt designers here on Five Shirts a Week!

A month or so ago, I had an interesting conversation with a guitarist friend of mine about sitars. He claimed that he would get rid of his entire, extensive instrument collection, all for a single sitar. A day or two later, I was browsing the Spreadshirt marketplace and came across this "Sitar Hero" design, by downwithdetroit. It's a really great idea for a Guitar Hero spoof and it made me think of the sitar conversation I had a few days earlier.

Design your own shirt with the "Sitar Hero" design today at the Insan Art Store with Spreadshirt Designer! You'll find the design under the right drop down menu in the "designs" tab. When loaded initially, this drop down menu will say "top graphics". Click on that drop down and you'll see the "grabbed designs" option. Choose that and you'll see the Sitar Hero design. Too lazy to design your own shirt? You can always visit the main Insan Art Store, where the shirt is available pre-made in 3 organic styles.

Happy designing!

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