Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New, simple links to stores and blog!

Hi everyone!
In my continuing effort to better my online t-shirt stores, I've created some sub-domains that point to my stores and this blog!

I know that everyone says you should have a ".com" go to your store. I already pay for a great hosting package for insanart.com which has 100 sub-domains included. I think these work just as well! (especially for the price, I'm broke!)

Here they are:

The Blog: http://5shirts.insanart.com
the Squid Shop: http://squidshop.insanart.com
the Insan Art Store @ Spreadshirt: http://t-shirts.insanart.com
the Insan Art Store @ Cafepress: http://store.insanart.com

Happy linking!
(PS..I highly recommend 1&1 Internet for hosting!!!!)

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