Friday, April 11, 2008

Right Hand by Van Tribe

Last week Jay (1/one) of Van Tribe Shirts announced to the t-shirt community that his design, Right Hand, was currently being sold in 725 Spreadshirt shops in the US and Canada! Better make that at least 726 since I just picked it up for this feature.

That is a pretty huge amount! Personally, I have designs being sold in 11 other shops at the moment - I'm getting there...

The Right Hand design is another wonderful example of a simple yet stunning design, without a single bit of flashiness. It fits many contexts or can stand on it's own and it is rather friendly and non-abrasive - I'm sure that's why it's been picked up by so many shops!

Grab the shirt in the Insan Art Store or hit up the t-shirt designer and make your own!

1 comment:

JayOne said...

Hi Sarah, now we crashed the 800, WOW, people really lik ethat design.