Just wanted to give an update on the digital design production delay at Spreadshirt. They've been working around the clock and even added a second printing setup - it seems like they've got things running fairly smoothly again over there!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Triple Feature from New Artist, Taikuodo
Introducing yet another new artist, Taikuodo (aka Andrew). Here's a quick pick - triple feature - power preview of three of his designs! Hehe.
Guinea Pig On Drugs
OK, I'll admit that this is my favorite of all Taikuodo's designs. I laughed so hard when I saw it!
Great concept. Great execution. Totally hilarious shirt.
'Nuff said.
Learn to Fly
This design stood out to me since I'm working on one that is a slightly similar idea. I think Andrew had the Foo Fighters in mind when he came up with this one. This is a really fun one to play with in the t-shirt designer - lots of great color combos to mess around with.
Love Machine
I love "Love Machine" because I'm a sucker for the triple 7's - my husband and I were married on 7-7-07 (more for the religious reference to the number). This design is a really cute take on traditional lucky 7 and slot designs. I'm curious as to whether the man is the artist himself?
Grab these shirts in the Insan Art Store, go make your own (under borrowed designs) or visit Taikuodo's whole collection here: http://kuoindustries.vze.com/
Posted by
Insan Art
8:44 PM
Labels: 777, drugs, guinea pig, spreadshirt, t-shirts, taikuodo, vector
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Attention Spreadshirt Shoppers!
I just wanted to let all Spreadshirt shoppers know that due to a high volume of summer t-shirt sales, Spreadshirt is FAR behind in the production process of all digital printed orders!
What to do if you've placed an order with a digital print:
Please be patient! All customers whose orders are effected should have received an email warning them of the delay. This email initially said it would be a delay of about 4 days, but that delay has grown to about 10 days! (I believe the email no longer states a specific time period) Regardless, your order will be produced as soon as possible! Spreadshirt wants to not only get all orders out, but make sure they're all printed properly as well.
What to do if you're looking to do some shopping at Spreadshirt right now:
Please, keep on buying our products at Spreadshirt!!! To ensure that there is no delay in your order at this time, we suggest sticking to ordering only plot printed items (vector graphics) as these are being produced in the proper amount of time. Not sure which type of graphic you're ordering? On each product detail page, whether in the Spreadshirt marketplace or in a shop, you'll see where it says "print type" in the details section: you're looking for something that says "flock" or "flex" print. Anything that contains the word "digital" will be delayed.
So, keep on shopping, buy lots of vector graphics (which are better than digital anyways!) and stay tuned. I'll post again when the digital design production at Spreadshirt is back to normal!
Thanks! Happy Summer Shopping!
Posted by
Insan Art
7:27 PM
Labels: digital, spreadshirt, t-shirts
Sunday, July 13, 2008
MjrProductions Quick Pick!
Hey Everyone! Those of you who have been reading (and I thank you for sticking with me) know that this time of year is extremely busy for me. But, that doesn't mean there aren't any shirts to feature!! So, in an extra effort to get 'em out on time, I'm going to start doing some more multi-design features and quick picks...
... since MjrProductions is up next in the feature queue, I thought I'd talk about the rest of his really great vintage advertisement designs (you may remember I posted the first one a few months ago here). I loved the first design so much that I decided to feature some of the other vintage ads he's got:
MacNiven & Cameron
Vintage ad from the 1890's. Not sure what they're selling, but it's "Sold Everywhere" and a wise old owl watches over the commerce atop his neat, 4-way street sign (one of the signs does say "pens"). I'll bug Mjr about getting a better image of this design.
"REX" Tailor-Made Shirt
I think this is probably my favorite of the 3 (although, it could have something to do with the fact that I put it on my favorite style shirt...). It's a vintage ad from the 1890's and reads, "Proper Fit Guaranteed" & "Special Orders in Four Days". Lol, sounds like Spreadshirt. Again, need to bug Mjr for a better picture of the design because I really would like to know what the guy is putting up to his face - a pipe perhaps?
Ransomes Lawn Mowers
"Ransomes Lawn Mowers, the Best in the World!" This is a vintage ad from 1910. Mjr says that it was a "firm in my home town of Ipswich, UK". That's one hell of a funky looking lawn mower. They advertise both hand AND motor powered mowers.
So, if you're into vintage advertising, one of these shirts might be for you! Check them all out in our featured guest designs section at the Insan Art Store or go ahead and make your own shirt with our design your own t-shirt shop (to find these designs, please choose "grabbed designs" under the menu where it says "top graphics").
Posted by
Insan Art
1:12 PM
Labels: mjrproductions, new, nostalgia, retro, spreadshirt, t-shirts, vintage