I'm taking the week off.
I'm working on a bunch of new designs as well as trying to start two new websites. Since I've had trouble fulfilling my own threshold of "5 shirts a week", I thought it might be best to take a week off to work...
Coming soon (as soon as I have enough new vector designs), the Insan Art Designer Store from Spreadshirt!
Until then, you can always check out:
the Insan Art Store @ Spreadshirt
the Insan Art Store @ Cafepress
Monday, February 18, 2008
I think I'm taking the week off...
Posted by
Insan Art
8:54 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Jane Fonda's slip on the Today Show
Did you hear Jane Fonda's slip on NBC's "The Today Show"? In a remark about "The Vagina Monologues" she said the dreaded "c-word", which aired uncensored on the East Coast! If you missed it, here's a clip (caution, this clip is uncensored):
(please let me know if this clip gets pulled and I'll find another)
Personally, I thought that the context that the word was used in was quite harmless, but I'm sure the censors think otherwise!
I came up with a few shirt designs after I heard about this. Featured above is the "I heard Jane Fonda Mention you on the Today Show! version. Also available are two other versions: "Did you hear Jane Fonda mention me on the Today Show?" - and - "Jane Fonda Could Use Nicer Terms".
You can find all three designs on a variety of shirts at the Insan Art Store @ Cafepress!
Posted by
Insan Art
6:57 PM
Labels: current events, humor, insan art, naughty, new
A Guinness a day... from Insan Art
Even though there's no shamrock, I came up with this as a St. Patrick's Day design.
"A Guinness a day...", you fill in the rest. Get the design on it's own at the Insan Art Store @ Cafepress, or you can literally fill in the rest in my new Spreadshirt designer store! (coming soon)
Posted by
Insan Art
6:50 PM
Labels: beer, customizable, fill in the blank, guinness, humor, insan art, Ireland, make your own, new, St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
"I Choo Choo Choose You" from BT
Sorry, it is a little late to get one for Valentine's Day this year, but this design is a classic!
For those of you who aren't Simpsons fans, this design is taken from Episode 9F13 - "I Love Lisa".
I always thought that was a cute design and I was happy to see that the folks at Busted Tees have it available.
Get in in navy blue for Men, Women and Kids!
'I Choo Choo Choose You' Funny T-Shirt for Men
'I Choo Choo Choose You' Funny T-Shirt for Women
'I Choo Choo Choose You' Funny T-Shirt for Kids!
Posted by
Insan Art
4:32 PM
Labels: busted tees, humor, kids, new, the simpsons, valentine's day
Monday, February 4, 2008
Power of Women (rainbow women) by Insan Art
(featured at left is my Power of Women design on the Women's Long Sleeve Dark T-shirt, shown in brown, from Spreadshirt)
Power of Women (Rainbow Women) - I've been saving this design, but I should be promoting it weekly! It is my top-selling design on Cafepress and is amongst the top-sellers in the Gay & Lesbian category.
This design is actually an old one of mine, originally a pen and ink design created in high school. Last year I was going through my old work and I though this would be nice to scan and reformat into a digital design.
One key to successfully marketing a design on the internet is to find a good niche. While the Gay & Lesbian community isn't normally my target audience, I felt like this design would totally fly in that category. I researched what was available so far in markets like Cafepress - as usual, there were a lot of really horrible designs, nothing very artsy or original.
So, I started marketing the Power of Women design on Cafepress. With very little outside marketing, I began to get sales. The originality and quality of the design has pretty much helped it sell itself - it slowly worked it's way up through the ranks of crap on Cafepress to be one of the top-selling designs in the "For Women" sub-section of the Gay & Lesbian category.
Since this design has been so successful, I'm working on designing a version for men. Look for it soon!
The design is available on a wide variety of shirts as well as tote bags, greeting cards (Valentine's is coming!), and more...
Also available from: the Insan Art Store @ Spreadshirt
Posted by
Insan Art
12:16 PM
Thrift Chic (AGAIN) from Insan Art
(featured at left is my new "Thrift Store Chic" design on the melange red Junior's Ringer T
- available EXCLUSIVELY from the Insan Art Store @ Spreadshirt)
Ok Ok, I know, I already featured this design. I'm making another push on it now because since I featured it last, Cafepress flagged the design for copyright infringement and therefore it isn't available for sale through my Cafepress store at the moment.
Apparently Cafepress doesn't like to make money. But I know that Spreadshirt does, so get on over to my store at Spreadshirt and get yourself a Thrift Chic shirt!
(FYI, the "melange" ladies shirts, like the one featured here are super comfy and they are actually on clearance right now, so get one while they're still available!)
Posted by
Insan Art
11:30 AM
Five shirts a week?
Howdy howdy. Well, it is week four of the "Five Shirts a Week" site and I haven't been able to keep up with it! Week one went well, but I am still working on getting my affiliates straightened out so I've been having a hard time coming up with the five shirts. I could've fulfilled my requirement by just featuring all Busted Tees shirts or something, but that is not exactly what I had in mind!
I also have a few of my own designs that I could've plugged in, but I'm saving those (for some reason?!?).
So, I'm working on it!! I've got a few new affiliates which means more design choices to come!
So, if anybody is actually reading this, please subscribe to my Google feed and check back for new shirts! I'm going to keep doing it, regardless of whether I have 5 shirts to feature a week or not.
Posted by
Insan Art
11:24 AM